Setting Up BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) With Microsoft Exchange 2010


The following article will demonstrate how to setup the BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) with your Microsoft Exchange 2010 email account on your mobile device. Let’s take a look at the guide below: 

Note: A BES data plan must be purchased through your provider and added to your account; your administrator will then purchase a BES license and assign to your email address and provide you with an activation pin.

Note: Some of the steps may vary depending on your OS (Operating System). We’ve showcased OS5 & OS6 since they’re the most commonly used OS’ at the moment.

Important Note: We are currently investigating BES10 and awaiting official hosting guidance from Blackberry. Once we have this information we will conduct testing to ensure our BES10 offering has the same Fanatical Support you expect from Rackspace. To date, Blackberry has not released an estimated date to distribute this information. In the meantime, please feel free to continue using ActiveSync.

BlackBerry OS5: 

1. From the Home screen on your Blackberry select, and then select Options.


2. Next, select Advanced Options and then select Enterprise Activation.


3. Enter in your full email address and the ActivationPassword provided by your administrator, press the Menu button, and select Activate. Your device will then state “Acquiring service connection” and your device will go through the motions of setting up your account. 


Note: This process can take anywhere from 2 – 20 mins depending on your connection and how much data you have.    

BlackBerry OS6:

1. From the BlackBerry Home screen, select the Setup icon and then select the Email Accounts icon.


2. Select Enterprise Activation, fill in your Email Address and Activation Password and then select Activate. Your device will then state “Acquiring service connection” and your device will go through the motions of setting up your account.


Note: This process can take anywhere from 2 – 20 mins depending on your connection and how much data you have.

BlackBerry Folder Redirection: 

To set up your sub-folders, you will first need to set up folder redirection. The settings will only apply to new messages received after the folder redirection changes have been saved. Your BlackBerry software must be version 4.0 or higher. 

1. On the Home screen, go to Messages, select the Menu key (on older models), and select Options, then Email Settings.

2. Select the Menu key and select Folder Redirection and in the Folder Redirection menu, highlight your Mailbox, press the Menu key and select Expand.

3. Highlight the folder you want to enable redirection on, press the Menu key and select Change Option. Press the Menu key and select Save.

Note: If you are unable to select Expand for any of the folders, or if Change Option is unavailable, try turning Wireless Reconcile off and then on again. You can find Wireless Reconcile in Messages > Options > Email Reconciliation.